Welcome to Shah Faisal's homepage!
I am a postdoctoral researcher in the research group of Prof. Alexandru Oancea at IRMA under the ANR project COSY : New challenges in symplectic and contact topology.
In October 2024, I completed my PhD in Mathematics at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Berlin, Germany, under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Klaus Mohnke and Prof. Dr. Kai Cieliebak, and by affiliation with the Berlin Mathematical School (BMS). Here is my CV.
Research Interests
My field of research is symplectic topology. I work on questions related to Lagrangian submanifolds, Lagrangian capacity, and symplectic/Lagrangian embedding problems. I use pseudo-holomorphic curves, Floer-type homologies, and string topology as tools.
Institut de Recherche Mathématique Avancée (IRMA)
Bureau I.009, 7 Rue René Descartes,
67084 Strasbourg, France
E-mail: shah.faisal_at_unistra.fr or shahmath19_at_gmail.com